
We offer a variety of services depending upon your needs and needs of your loved ones. Individual clients can purchase either one-on-one sessions, support group sessions or sessions with our Medical Decision Consultant, We have specific and customize support groups based upon the needs of your organization and patients, their love – describe subsciption model how it works and the differen services –
You can personally sign up for a private, confidential individual one on one sessions with a trained counselor, attend a support groups sessions and have a consultation with a Medical Decision Consultants/Bioethicist. Check out our Services.


Ezzree’s private, confidential One-On-One Sessions are for those wanting private sessions with a trained Spiritual Care Counselor to discuss any of your life’s challenges. You can sign up for a 20-minute single session or a 40-minute double session. either at a one-time booking or recurring appointments.

Support Groups

Ezzree Support Groups allow you to connect with a Spiritual Care Counselor and other members about a variety of life issues on our secure and private virtual platform.

Examples of Support Groups topics are stress, grief, cancer and loneliness.

Medical Decision Consultants / Bioethicist

You or your loved ones can access Medical Decision Consultants / Bioethicists to work with you and your loved ones for private consultation.

Introducing Medical Decision Consultants / Bioethicist

Dr. David Perlman

Dr. Perlman is passionate about exploring the intersection and integration between technology and education and how they connect with real-life medical decision-making and is accessible to assist you and your community.

Dr. Perlman teaches courses in public health law, ethics, and policy as well as business ethics. Dr. Perlman is the author of several publications in top, peer-reviewed journals and frequently speaks at international, national, and regional bioethics conferences.

Ms. Nita Millstein

Ms. Millstein comes to Ezzree with a commitment to patient-centered decision-making, consisting of clearly articulated patient goals of care; two-way communication between patient/family and clinical team; and a focus on mediative problem-solving. She brings a high level of skill and experience in mediation,  counseling, and bereavement support, supported by her MA in Bioethics, Certification as a Grief Counselor, and her experience in hospital bioethics committees. 

Patient-care decision-making

For example, if you have to make a decision for yourself or someone else, regarding treatment and care options, would you know how to go about the process? How would you be sure that your decision for someone reflects their values and preferences?

Patient life values and preferences

For example, what might you want your family and medical team to know about your goals of care? What is important to you, in how you live your life? What aspects of life and health are your key priorities?

Conflicts within families and between families, patients and clinicians

For example, suppose you and your other family members disagree about a decision that must be made for someone else. Or, suppose you and your doctor disagree about appropriate treatment and care for you. Are you able to resolve those conflicts?

Communication challenges

For example, do you ever leave a conversation with your doctor, or members of your medical care team, with unanswered questions or unvoiced concerns? How can you better plan and manage important medical communications?

Our counselors can provide you with experienced guidance to help you and your family negotiate these concerns. We can assist you in clarifying your needs, preferences and values to ensure that the healthcare you receive supports your choices.

Contact us about personalized spiritual care services

If you or anyone you know are in crisis or may be in danger, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255 or click here for reference to get immediate help.