17 Nov What are Movember and No Shave November? What You Need to Know
is Movember and No Shave November?
Starting to notice men’s facial hair growing suddenly longer and thicker since the start of November? November is commonly being accepted as Men’s Health Awareness Month. It is no accident since movements like Movember and No Shave November
encourage men and women alike to refrain from shaving in some form to raise awareness for men’s health. Movember’s movement began in Australia in 1999 to address the lifespan discrepancy between men and women by raising awareness of the most common health challenges men face. The goal was to address three main areas that negatively impact men in a big way:
- Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
- Prostate Cancer
- Testicular Cancer
No Shave November is specifically focused on raising awareness for cancer. Encouraging people not to groom conversely calls attention to the loss of hair that many cancer patients experience during their treatment. At the end of the month those participating in the movement are encouraged to donate the funds they would normally spend on grooming to cancer awareness.
What You Need to Know about Men’s Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is an extremely common form of cancer, being second most diagnosed after skin cancer for men. It is important for men to get regular check ups so that it can be detected earlier. Further, being knowledgeable about the symptoms of prostate cancer is useful to make sure it is taken care of in a timely manner for optimal safety.
What You Need to Know about Men’s Testicular Cancer
Testicular cancer most commonly occurs in young men between the ages of 15 and 35. Thankfully, testicular cancer is highly treatable but being on the lookout for symptoms is vital to make sure it is recognized and treated early. Educating boys and men about their risk factors and increasing awareness is crucial to saving lives and living healthier.
Mental Health for Men
Men tend to cope with mental health difficulties worse than women do, as they lean less on their social networks for support and take a grin and bear it approach. It is important for men to have a few people who they can be truly open and vulnerable with whether it be friends, a partner, family, a chaplain, spiritual care counselor or a therapist. It is our belief at Ezzree that there is a strong connection between the body and the mind. If one’s spiritual and mental health needs are addressed it is likely that physical ailments will also receive proper attention. For that reason, mental health awareness is crucial in supporting men with ways to address their physical as well as their mental wellbeing.
Ezzree’s Tips for Men’s Health
- Make sure men are on top of their annual physical exams
- They should strive to find time every day for some form of exercise
- They should seek out a healthy work life balance
- Men should find ways to regularly relax and destress
- When possible men should rely more heavily on friends and family to vent and express emotions
- They should make sure to get tested regularly for sexually transmitted diseases
- Men should be encouraged to drink plenty of water
- Men should strive to eat a balanced and nutritious diet (it’s okay to cheat on it sometimes!)